Why Is My AirPods Case Flashing Orange?

Why Is My AirPods Case Flashing Orange?

Have you ever noticed your AirPods case flashing orange? If so, you’re not alone. Many AirPods owners have experienced this issue, but don’t know why it’s happening. In this article, we’ll discuss what causes the AirPods case to flash orange and how to fix the issue. We’ll also cover potential causes if your AirPods case isn’t flashing orange, but the AirPods themselves are still not working. So, let’s dive in and find out why your AirPods case is flashing orange.

What Causes the AirPods Case to Flash Orange?

The AirPods case flashing orange is a common issue that many AirPods owners experience. There are a few potential causes of this issue, and understanding the cause can help you fix the problem. So, let’s look at what causes the AirPods case to flash orange.

Low Battery:

One of the most common causes of the AirPods case flashing orange is a low battery. If your AirPods case is flashing orange, it may be indicating that the battery is low and needs to be recharged. You can easily charge your AirPods case by plugging it into a power source.

Damaged AirPods:

Another possible cause of the AirPods case flashing orange is damaged AirPods. If your AirPods are damaged, the AirPods case may be flashing orange to indicate that there is a problem. It’s important to inspect your AirPods for any signs of damage, such as cracks or tears in the case, before attempting to use them.

Software Update:

Another possible cause of the AirPods case flashing orange is a software update. If your AirPods case is flashing orange, it may be indicating that a software update is available. You can check for any available updates by opening the AirPods settings on your device.

Incorrectly Inserted AirPods:

Finally, the AirPods case may be flashing orange if the AirPods are incorrectly inserted. Make sure that the AirPods are securely inserted into the case before attempting to use them. If this isn’t the issue, try removing and reinserting the AirPods a few times to see if the issue is resolved.

How to Fix the Issue?

If your AirPods case is flashing orange, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix the issue. 

Charge the AirPods Case

The first thing you should do is make sure the AirPods case is charged. If the case isn’t charged, the orange light will continue to flash. In order to charge the case, plug it into a wall outlet or USB port. The orange light should go away once the case is fully charged. 

Check the AirPods

If the case is charged but the orange light is still flashing, the next step is to check the AirPods themselves. Make sure the AirPods are securely in the case and that the case is properly closed. If the AirPods are not properly seated in the case, the orange light will continue to flash. 

Reset the AirPods

If the AirPods are properly seated and the case is charged, the next step is to reset the AirPods. To do this, press and hold the setup button on the back of the case for at least 15 seconds. The orange light should stop flashing once the AirPods have been reset. 

Check for Firmware Updates

If the AirPods are still not working after resetting, the next step is to check for any firmware updates. Connect the AirPods case to your device and open the AirPods menu. If there is an available update, it will be listed in the menu. Follow the onscreen instructions to update the firmware. 

Replace the AirPods

If none of the above steps work, it’s possible the AirPods are damaged and need to be replaced. Contact Apple Support for help with replacing the AirPods. 

Potential Causes of AirPods Not Working

If your AirPods aren’t working, there are a few potential causes to consider. Firstly, the AirPods may be out of battery. Even if the AirPods case is flashing orange, it may still be due to low battery. If the AirPods are out of battery, charging them should solve the issue. For AirPods 2 and later, you can check the battery life through the Batteries widget in the Today View of your iOS device.


Another potential cause is a software issue. If your iOS device is running an outdated version of the operating system, it could be preventing the AirPods from connecting. You can check to see if there are any updates available by going to the Settings app, then tapping General and then Software Update.


It’s also possible that the AirPods have become disconnected from your iOS device. This is usually due to Bluetooth interference, so try moving your device closer to the AirPods and re-pairing them.

Finally, if none of the above solutions work, it could be a hardware issue. Try resetting the AirPods by placing them in the charging case and then pressing and holding the setup button on the back of the case for at least 15 seconds. If this doesn’t solve the issue, you may need to contact Apple Support for further assistance.


If your AirPods case is flashing orange, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix the issue. Start by charging the case, then check the AirPods and reset them if necessary. If that doesn’t work, check for any firmware updates and replace the AirPods if necessary. Hopefully, these steps will help you get your AirPods working again.